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GPSA Travel Grants 

Presenting your research at a conference is a significant accomplishment in your academic journey. Understanding the financial constraints that often accompany such opportunities, we're excited to offer the GPSA Travel Grant. 

Quick Overview

Grant Purpose: This grant is designed to reimburse part of your travel expenses when attending and presenting at conferences. After your trip, you'll receive funds based on approved and qualifying costs.

Amount: Awardees can receive up to $300 for travel, applicable to in-state, out-of-state and foreign journeys. Note: Each recipient can receive this grant only once per academic year, regardless of the number of applications submitted.

Eligibility: Exclusively for graduate and professional students presenting original research.

Application Windows: Four times annually. Grants are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

🌟 Detailed application guidelines and a checklist follow in the subsequent sections. Seize this opportunity to showcase your research on a broader stage. 🌟

Have questions about the Travel Grants program? Email or the



In order to qualify for GPSA Travel Grant funding, all of the following must apply. You must meet the following requirements:

  • Annual Limit: One grant per academic year (fall through summer).
  • Student Status: Must be a full-time UCSD graduate or professional student during the conference quarter.
  • Presentation: Present your original work at the conference, either as a poster or talk.
  • UCSD Travel Criteria: Comply with UC San Diego's business-related student travel guidelines.
  • Required Approval: Your PI or advisor must sign the "UC San Diego Student Certification for Business-Related Travel" form 📄, which will be submitted with your application and to your department's fund manager during the reimbursement process. In other words, this form confirms that your PI or department is guaranteeing they will support you through this fiscal process.

How to Apply:

Ensure that your department is actively involved in your application process.

  • Verify that you will be enrolled at the time of the conference you are hoping to attend. (check deadlines below to see which session you should apply)
  • Check with your department regarding what they can financially support and what they cannot. 
  • 📄 Complete the Advisor Support Form and Student Certification for Business Travel by filling out with your department and/or advisor/PI. This form should be uploaded to your application. Applications which do not include this form or which send this form separately will not be accepted.
  • Obtain registration confirmation for the intended conference. 
  • 📄 Submit an application through our website by filling out your information here and provide the above documentation.
  • Fill out and upload your application before the deadline for your conference date! Deadlines for these applications can be found below.
  • After completing this application, confirm with your department their process for submitting your reimbursement request and expense report within 30 days of your return from travel.

Have questions about the application process? Email or the


 Reimbursement Information:

⚠️ All travel grant submissions need to reach the GPSA approval que within 30 days of return from travel - if it is not in the que by 30 days you risk denial of reimbursement. ⚠️

We highly recommend initiating the GPSA travel grant reimbursement processes within 2 weeks after the applied conference ends to expedite the process. 

Reimbursements are currently processed through the Concur system.  General procedures for reimbursement requests are as follows:

 Required Documentation to complete your reimbursement request:


Please initiate communication with your department as soon as possible upon your return from your conference. 

  • Work with your department representative to ensure you follow their submission guidelines for reimbursement.
  • Please provide your travel grant confirmation to your department which contains the COA information and submission instructions for reimbursement. Provide all receipts to your department for processing. 
  • Make sure to attach a copy of the award letter to your reimbursement request in Concur.
Have questions regarding the reimbursement process? Please submit a ticket through the following link, with the following string: Student Life Business Office > Graduate & Professional Student Association > Fiscal/Travel.  Please make sure to reference: GPSA Travel Grant, the awardee name, and award number in the Subject of the ticket.

GPSA Travel Grant Deadlines


Due Date

Notification of Award

Conference Starts Between

Fall 2023

October 13th, 2023

October 27th, 2023

November 1st, 2023 - February 4th, 2024

Winter 2024

January 19th, 2023

February 2nd, 2024

February 5th, 2024 - April 28th, 2024

Spring 2024

April 12th, 2024

April 26th, 2024

April 29th, 2024 - June 28th, 2024

Summer 2024

June 24th, 2024

July 8th, 2024

June 29th, 2024 - October 31st, 2024